Miyerkules, Disyembre 5, 2012

aesthetics in Western, Asia, and in Philippines

Aesthetics essential to humanities have this primary root that was strongly influenced them to create and do more such an aesthetics that will bring to them the concept of making a competitive division on one is in culture, underneath was their tradition, beliefs and political situation because this made most of the country’s identity and also their history and at the same time the art and beauty will take part in here. The geography also will bring the aesthetic  that was considered to communicate to other aesthetics and to preserved its commodity.

In western aesthetic, there was the called the most powerful tool or idea to make their esthetics become vital to them and to others which make a demand for many of us to have and to experience, these were the ones who contribute to the development of western countries especially on Greeks-the Plato’s philosophy and Aristotle’s philosophy, because of the strong connection of two, their students and the students now who among them was right from their philosophies. Also the notion on arts couldn’t unnoticed, there was the classicism, baroque and romanticism. These three made up the lifestyle of the people their more unified and the way they think or the way they reason out always have a connection to philosophy and their history, the reason was the philosophy in west was thinking and thinking was done in language.

Asian aesthetics compromises the environment of cultural diversity with philosophical traditions and the aesthetics surround these will explain through the principles of the value from the art and nature considering the study of two concepts, the human and the nature itself because there is an integral behind it. Asian aesthetics always have a concern to the tradition they have and more on religion like Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and Shintoism have influenced much in Korea, Japan,Thailand, China and etc. because the faith that was bestow to them was strongly passes eventually when a new generation comes. That’s why , you cannot just pass this but bring it in your life that made you as what your fosters live. The idea of honor and respect were the building structure for most of the people.

Philippine aesthetic was a diversity when it becomes in nature, culture, religion and political as well, a combination and a combination of other combinations. Why? Because the Philippine history will explain, there was many invasion happen from Japanese, Spaniards, Americans and etc. which the aesthetics here in Philippines was not as the western was unified. Looking back from our culture and traditions, we are not the one who has the knowledge of that at first but we just elaborate it and continue. In politic, presidents, vice presidents and other government officials, the americans contribute it. The business phase, there were the Chinese , religion the Spanish some of our attitude that our national have was from Japanese-the thrifty. Philippine aesthetics always have a connections almost through out the world, our establishments, lifestyle, relationship to others. When it becomes in art and beauty, we have these, beauty for men and women, artistic figurative speech of idea and the its complement.


My personal aesthetic was Asian aesthetic because I like to value the their image of honor and respect, this made me develop the image of otherness and being a collective person. aside that I am from an Asian  country, I personaly want to have their strong faith because I do believe that even in small thing, makes your life be bless, just to have faith and believe on what you know-you will know what you haven't know and that brings my perspective in life that such an aesthetic on you will do much, like when you honor and respect.

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